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Title: Algebraic Immunity of Boolean Functions - Analysis and Construction
Authors: Dalai, Deepak Kumar
Keywords: Algebraic Attacks
Algebraic Normal Form
Boolean Functions
Fast Algebraic Attacks
Homogeneous Linear Equations
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2008
Citation: Kumar Dalai, D., & Maitra, S. (2009). Algebraic Immunity of Boolean Functions Analysis and Construction. Computación y Sistemas, 12(3), 297-321.
Abstract: In this paper, we first analyse the method of finding algebraic immunity of a Boolean function. Given a Boolean function f on n–variables, we identify a reduced set of homogeneous linear equations by solving which one can decide whether there exist annihilators of f at a specific degree. Moreover, we analyse how an affine transformation on the input variables of f can be exploited to achieve further reduction in the set of homogeneous linear equations. Next, from the design point of view, we construct balanced Boolean functions with maximum possible AI with an additional property which is necessary to resist the fast algebraic attack.
Appears in Collections:Journal Papers

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