Browsing by Author Dixit, Manjusha

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-09-22Binding Studies of Natural Product Berberine with DNA G-QuadruplexSharma, Nagendra K.; Dixit, Manjusha
2018-05-21Controlling an angiogenic switch: dissecting out the role and molecular mechanism of FRGI in tumorigenesisTiwari, Ankit; Dixit, Manjusha
2023-07Effect of FRG1 expression level on prognosis and tumorigenesis of hepatic cancerPradhan, Abhishek; Dixit, Manjusha
2024-05Elucidating the role of FRG1 in regulating DNA damage and repair via HPF1 in breast tumorigenesisShubhanjali; Dixit, Manjusha
2023-05Genetic predisposition and molecular mechanistic studies of matrix metalloproteinases in galbladder carcinogenesisJ., Vinay; Dixit, Manjusha
2024-05Identification of FRG1 mutations in breast cancer and its functional implicationsRath, Sanchita; Dixit, Manjusha
2023-04Mechanistic insights towards understanding FRG1 mediated regulation of breast tumorigenesis and angiogenesis in different molecular subtypesMukherjee, Bratati; Dixit, Manjusha
2023-07Role of FRG1 and its possible pathway in neural cancersSahoo, Prasannajit; Dixit, Manjusha
2022-06-20Role of FRG1 in predicting the overall survivability in cancers, optimal model building, and deciphering the underlying molecular mechanismKhan, Rehan; Dixit, Manjusha
2023-07Role of Inc-FAM127A and c20ORF197 in breast cancer progression and metastasis in conjugation with FRG1 and deciphering the underlying mechanism of their regulation via FRG1Bhandari, Tithi; Dixit, Manjusha
2024-06Unlocking the therapeutic potential of EEF1A2 in breast cancer : unravelling molecular mechanisms, crosstalk, and small molecule inhibitors for effective treatment strategiesAwadhesbhai, Patel Saket; Dixit, Manjusha
2024-05Unveiling the function of CHST4 in genetic predisposition to gallbladder cancer and its molecular pathway : regulation of mucin expression through keratan sulfate-mediated glycosylationJaiswar, Deeptima; Dixit, Manjusha